Thursday, October 2, 2008

Coming Soon to a Blog Near You...!

Hi everybody,

I noticed that a few of you have added my blog link to your own blogs, so thought I had better get busy and post something for you to read. Ta-da! I am excited to get going with this whole blogging thing, and promise to continue to steal everyone else's cool ideas so I can keep up with the blogging Jones's. (Incidentally, a special thank you to my sister-in-law Mary for having such a cute blog template source for me to pirate!)

There will be more shortly (photos, etc.), so please stay tuned!



Janie said...

I will add you to my daily blog looking. I won't do a blog myself since all I do is order clothing and put out said clothing. But I love looking at them. So glad you're doing so well. Talk to you soon, I hope. Love to you,


nanajohanna said...

I'm glad you have a blog now. I so enjoy checking out what all the bloggers are up to each day, and now I can keep up with you too. So how are the newlyweds? I look forward to any pictures you might put on your blog. Love you both!

Jocie said...

So glad to see you have joined the crowd. Like Janie, I will not be creating a blog, but I do LOVE looking at all of the family ones. I look forward to making yours a regular stop. Love you!