Friday, December 5, 2008

For the Nature Lovers

I dedicate this post to those out there who share my passion for all things Nature related. For as long as I can remember I have always loved to be outside and exploring the world around me. Lucky me, my husband enjoys the same things! We love it because you just never know what you will see or find on a given day--even in your own backyard. Case and point (please forgive the shoddy video, as I was on the phone with Mike while shooting):

And then...

A few weeks before these videos were shot, we found the exact same lizard chillin' in our house mailslot! We grabbed a wide-lipped vase from the pantry and slowly opened the slot leading into our kitchen. Out came the lizard and we promptly set him free in the backyard. Little did we know we'd be seeing him again so soon, and in our pool of all places! Michael thinks he may be one of his pet lizards from long ago that he set free in the backyard. He is really quite the little character and Mike found him hanging out behind a large brick near the front of our house just last week. I have affectionately named him Marco Polo and will let you know when we see him again--it's surely only a matter of time!


Jocie said...

Things like this do NOT happen in Idaho. Then again, you guys in Southern California are kinda low on Moose and grizzly bear.
How fun for you, I like your little Marco Polo. Good name for a swimmer.

Jim said...

Aubs, he's a lizard, yes, but I think he's more than just a lizard. I think he might really be some kind of croc/gator person. Had either of you ever seen this particular species before? I'd certainly love to hear what your friendly, neighborhood herpetologist says about the little thing.

Another thing, Honey. Would you please forward to me by email a copy of the photo you used in last night's blog? I want to print it and show it off. Dads are like that, you know.

James and Aimee said...

Wow! And I thought pheasants and quail in our backyard was exciting. Stephen would love to see Marco Polo or something like him. How fun!