Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I have to write. I cannot sleep. My heart is full to the spilling out point and I can find no thoughts or words to make it better. My Grandad just had a major stroke and the outlook is grim.

My Cousin Jennifer called me to let me know and it took a minute for it to sink in properly. Then Dad & Sheryl called. Then I went down to tell Michael and I broke down completely. Michael is sicker than a dog right now, but quickly jumped out of bed to hold me while I sobbed. I put Mike back to bed and came back upstairs to call my brother Hyrum. Then my brother Miles and his wife Bonnie called Hyrum, too. Then I called my in-laws, Rosa and Pete, and lost it all over again. And then...and then there was nothing to do but begin waiting.

It feels like this ache in my chest will not allow me to take full breaths. And it isn't even that I am shocked by all of this so much as I so determinedly do not want it to happen. Grandad has been there my whole life. He's my other Daddy. My Grandaddy. He's never once judged me in my whole entire flawed life. He used to write me letters when I first moved away to California. I used to sit in his office window at the radio station and eat a Snickers bar while I waited for him to get off work. Then we'd walk home to my house together, too. The time I hit the kitten when I was driving in the car a couple of years ago, he pulled me into his lap and let me cry while he smoothed my hair and told me he understood. He's just always been there. Always. And I knew he was getting ready to leave when he kept telling me (and everyone else) that he was holding on for last month's family reunion, but I didn't let myself truly believe it. And now here I am waiting and waiting...to say a goodbye my heart refuses to admit necessary.

Please Heavenly Father, help me stop being so selfish and let him go. I know I have been indulged for almost 33 years of having him always be there. And you're right, he's tired and worthy to move onto something more. I just don't want to let him go. I love him so much and so does every living soul who has ever met him. I worry for my Aunts and Uncles and my Dad to have to loose their Papa. And my Gran. My grandparents have always been this perfectly matching set. My heart breaks when I think of their loss compared to my own. I again realize I am being selfish and thinking too much of myself in the wake of his loss. But I still can't help it, and I continue to weep as I wait.

And I continue to feel thanks for the amazing person the Lord allowed me to have as my Grandaddy. I have never met another person like him, but because of him I know what goodness is possible in human beings. And I continue to seek those traits in those I meet and know.

I know my Mama is waiting to greet him, as are his parents and his brother Herman and his baby son Joel...and all the many, many, many relatives for whom he so faithfully and happily traced their geneology, and for whom he made possible and/or performed the sacred temple ordinances. He is gonna be just as popular in Heaven as he ever was here, now that I think of it. And that is how it should be.

I need to be better. To do better. I want to spend eternity with my family members, and especially be able to never be parted from my Grandaddy again. And so I need to be not just good but valiant and anxiously engaged in a good cause. I realize I have been skating by on good for a long time now and not really straining to better myself. This is a wake up call like no other.

Oh Grandad, Grandad, Grandad! Even in all my tears and stubbornness I have to admit to feeling the peace of the Spirit. I do feel it, and I think that's half the reason I am crying so hard! And I want to tell you thank you for making it possible for me to even know what the Spirit IS. If you and Gran hadn't joined the Church all those years ago we wouldn't be the family we are today. And what an amazing family we have become under your guys' guidance. I love that I know who all my cousins are, and have more of a brother and sister relationship with them than of cousins. I love knowing their kids' names and personalities, too. I love most of all that each of them carry pieces of you and Gran in them, too. You taught us well what "Family" means and we will NOT forget it. We love being your family members with all that that entails and blesses.

I know you are leaving us, Grandad. But I know we are not really losing you just because we can no longer climb into your lap or give each other kisses goodnight or enjoy a bowl of ice cream together...it's just that I am going to miss you so much!!!! We all will.

I love you forever and ever and I will always be "your girl", your "water nazi" and one of your many "secret favorites". Don't give up on me. I won't let you down. We'll see each other again when it's time. I would have liked to have you hold our little baby girl before you had to go, but maybe you'll get to squeeze her and love her before we meet her now. I don't know how those things work exactly, but I like the idea of it a lot.

I guess what I am trying to muster up the courage to say is "Goodbye, Grandaddy". Thank you for always making me feel so full of worth and splendor. I cherish you and our memories we were always making together. This isn't everything I want to say, but it's a good start while I wait... I carry you in my heart until we can be together again. I love you so much, Grandad!

Your Aubie


Kathryn said...

You have a gift for words. I feel your sorrow and heartache, and your love for this special man. My heart cries for you. I'm so grateful for the comfort the gospel brings, and hope that you find the peace and comfort you need right now. I'm glad you get to go to Idaho to be with your family. Wishing you solace, Kathryn

James and Aimee said...

Thank you so much for writing this, Chica. You really do have a gift for words. And we really must be more like sisters, because you were able to write the very words my heart was feeling. I don't know if that makes any sense, but I'm sure you will know what I mean. I love you dearly. See you soon!

Angel Poop said...

I'm so sorry Autie, I feel for you and truly understand what you are feeling. I'm not half as close to my grandmother and when she was in the hospital and they gave her hours to live, I couldn't take a breath in without choking on air. The universe works in mysterious ways my love. This happened nearly two years ago and she is with us still, kicking me out of her chair and telling me to close the door because there's a breeze in the middle of the heat wave. Sometimes it seems grim...but people with whatever power they have left, hold on. I'm not here to give out false hopes and promises...just faith maybe? If there is a chance he can still enjoy a quality of life, he may choose to hang on. 

You're far stronger than many people I know. You are fighting selfishness and forcing acceptance, which is admirable at the very least. Saying goodbye is never something that you can be prepared for...no matter how much in advance you start. 

You are blessed with an amazing family and friends. Please know you have someone near, in me, if you ever need anything. 

As hard as it may seem to do so, stay positive and let the feelings and emotions be...nothing bad can ever come from being true to feelings. He's with you always and forever an you are with him always and forever...for you are PART of him and nobody and no one thing can ever take that away. 
Thoughts and prayers are with you along with hugs.


Nancy said...

Oh, that was beautiful! I didn't know Grandad the way you did. I am not even technically related to him. But funny as it sounds I felt like he was family. When Dixie was in the Rexburg Symphony with me, he would come to EVERY practice and he would talk to me afterwards. I loved seeing him there! He was such a fun and amazing man! My heart breaks to imagine the sorrow your family is going through right now. But at the same time I know that we have the gospel and that we know we will see him again and everything will work out fine. Good luck with the coming days and weeks.

Jim said...

When your mama died, I felt these things you've discussed -- for years! I remember feeling that I had to hide much of this from you kids so that you wouldn't be upset. But there's nothing I can do to protect you from it this time. I can clearly tell from your well-written description that you feel now what I felt then. I'm sorry. I can and do guarantee one thing: the Gospel is true which means we'll be with him again. I love you and this whole family. There are no extras or disposables in this group. Finally, from TEAR SOUP; When one person is missing, the whole world seems empty. Yeah, like that. I'm certain that, for the rest of my life, I'll keep expecting to see him or hear his voice, just as I do with my grandparents. I'll pray for your comfort if you'll pray for mine.